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Writer's pictureDr. Drew Karp

Quality Sleep Is That Important

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

Hello Fellow Wellness Warrior,

I usually have interesting patients the prior week that trigger me what to write about in my Sunday email.

New patients present with auto-immune issues, vertigo, asthma, headaches, constipation, skin issues, hormonal issues,

chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, the list goes on and on.

I had a recent new patient who is being treated for cancer (chemotherapy and radiation) and wanted holistic support for her body.

She did everything right for years and still got cancer. No one knows why…

Modern medicine has spent many trillions of dollars and still no idea what causes it or how to successfully treat it.

I am listening to a fascinating docu-series called Stop The Cancer.

After my deep meditation this morning I opened my computer to write my email and one of the doctors I follow,

Dr. Eric Gordon did a podcast on The Science of Sound and How it Impacts Our Health.

Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary, MD is his guest. She is a neurologist who uses holistic therapies like sound therapy in her practice.

Below are some of my notes from that.

As you may know I use color therapy (the color/frequency) cards and The BOĆE™ coaster) which are very similar to sound therapy

in that every color has a specific frequency and wavelength. Just by holding a certain, therapeutic color it interacts with the body on the deepest, vibrational level.

Both sound and color are equally effective in Balancing, Optimizing, creating Coherence and Enlivening the human body.

What I call and trademarked BOĆE™ Technology.

My notes from the podcast:

Most of us who have been ill have been down a few or several paths to get well.

We want to find what resonates with you.

Every sound has its own specific frequency and wavelength.

A lot of the traditional medical therapies out there for chronic illness can be very expensive.

As a neurologist I began suffering with debilitating migraine headaches.

“The Universe Has a Sense of Humor.”

I placed myself on a few medications and I saw for myself the severe side effects.

I began experiencing horrific side effects like tremors and facial hair. Not a good look.

After all my training I couldn’t even cure my own headaches. And I was actually getting worse.

I remember as a child my mom used to take me to those weird doctors who gave me ayurvedic herbs and

did all kinds of weird, hands on testing and treatments on me. And they always fixed me.

I sought out an ayurvedic doctor and the first thing she said after evaluating me was my digestion is off.

I thought, it can’t be. My neurology, educated mind said, no, it’s my brain not my gut.

She gave me some supplements and lifestyle recommendations and in 6 months I was all better and

lost 10 pounds I didn’t even know I gained.

I was more clear and creative than I could of ever imagined.

I didn’t get the memo in med school that the gut is related to the brain.

(Dr. Karp – everything in the body is related to everything.

I mentioned vertigo above – very often it is a functional imbalance in the spleen affecting the circulation in the head.

Not crystals in the middle or inner ear).

Our environment is much more polluted and our lives are much more stressful.

We are a spirit connected to the physical world.

In my research in sound medicine, that is where it all came together.

In ancient times sound (which are frequencies) was foundational to ayurvedic medicine.

Ayurvedic doctors would chant (frequencies) when patients would take their herbs to enhance the effects.

Sound was a component of the prescription. It was part of a patients care.

Sound is a frequency. It is a vibratory code that encodes for life itself.

Sound is the vibratory code for life.

We as humans are vibratory beings – so sound reaches and interacts on our deepest levels.

You can treat any disease using frequencies because they reach the deepest aspects of our being

in a body-friendly and balancing way.

Every cell, gland and organ is vibrating at frequencies.

The sound of the human voice resonates.

My body is singing. It’s an orchestra. Every organ has its own song.

There are now diagnostic tools that can listen to the organs. What a healthy organ sounds like

and a unhealthy organ sounds like.

We are a field of energy that has a biological expression which we call the human body.

We can apply sound to correct an organ.

There are sounds to normalize the human body. And return it back to its original orchestra.

(All the organs and glands are the orchestra and specific therapeutic sounds or colors are the conductor

to bring perfect balance, optimization, coherence and enliven). Where the body heals best.

Medications do not have a resonance with the natural resonance of the human body.

We are working with and balancing the unmatched intelligence of the human body.

And letting it do its thing. Rather than forcing things. A much more organic approach.

We did not design this body. We don’t really know how biology works.

We have little hints. When we work with the innate or divine wisdom of the body,

we allow that power to do the healing.

We lost our connection with food. What real whole food looks like.

That food has its own vibration. And microwaving a processed food has

very little to do with creating vibratory balance and optimal health.

There is a greater intelligence within us and sound gives us access to that.

Our body’s are starving for real vibratory balance and coherence.

Dr. Chaudhary says if I take sound medicine out of my treatment plan with patients, their care will

go from 1 year to a decade. And they may not even get well.

There is a specific chakra chant for each person that people can do before they go to sleep

to balance their body overnight. Which is very important in their care.

Note – I will be testing patients for what chakra sound is right for them in real time to chant at night.

This works on the nervous system, endocrine system, and all the organs and glands overnight. Love that.

A balancing and cleansing shower for your energy and acupuncture system.

I am love. I am whole. I am healed. I am complete.

Childlike – the place where there was no programs.

The simpler the technique, the more powerful it is.

Maybe that is because the human body is a minimalist.

Please pass this email to someone who is dedicated to someone you care about.

Any questions email me at

If you would like to set up an appointment or refer someone, just call or text Gail at 954-955-5277.

You can find the balancing color frequency devices I developed at

If you use a 5G cell phone, consider The Global Energy Card.

Thank you and have a great week,

Dr. Karp

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