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Peak Sports Performance

Writer's picture: Dr. Drew KarpDr. Drew Karp

Hello Wellness Warrior,

This email is all about enhancing and optimizing your workouts and sports performance.

Over the past few weeks a few people asked me how to optimize their workout and recovery. They were looking for a special pre-workout powder or energy/sports bar.

I am working with a fantastic nutrition company that makes professional level products.

You can go check them out and see if there is something for your workouts and well-being.

Another, more energetic based way to optimize your performance during workouts or sports is about creating deep energetic balance, coherence and optimization within the whole body?

In this unique and optimal state, your body can now perform at its very best because everything is in alignment.

I have two suggestions to create whole body balance, coherence, alignment and optimization so you can perform at your very best every time you work out or play your chosen sport.

And, recovery is enhanced because you were balanced during your performance.

1. The Global Energy Card – this has a very specific color and frequency that when placed on the skin balances, optimizes, creates coherence and enlivens the whole body.

This exact color resonates perfectly with just picked, organic vegetables and fruits. Very high vibration .At our core, we are energy beings. This technology works from the deepest, sub-cellular, sub-atomic/quantum level all the way to the physical. When you place the color/frequency side on your skin, the frequencies interact with your body to create an optimal state while you work out, do yoga, play tennis or anything else. If you pay attention, you’ll see a 5-10% jump in performance. And, your recovery will be quicker. How? Because when you were working out, your body is in a place of balance and optimization, so less to recover. So, each time you work out, take a moment and put The Global Energy Card on your skin and now you are bringing your best to that endeavor. Just keep using it and you’ll notice the difference. It's technology you won’t want to be without.

2. The BOĆE™ Coaster – the beverages you drink either balance you, create coherence and optimization and enliven you.

Or that don’t. Most commercial, highly processed beverages do not create balance in the body. Maybe just the opposite.

I have tested the highly touted, highly marketed sports and energy drinks and they surely do not balance the body.

So why would you be ingesting a beverage that is not moving you toward your best performance? It is counter-productive.

How about, if you can place your favorite beverage, even water, on the BOCE Coaster for just 3 minutes? The frequencies energize and balance any beverage so it has an energetic balancing effect upon the whole body. Now, you are drinking the same beverage and it has a positive effect upon your work out or performance.

The combination of The Global Energy Card AND The BOĆE™ Coaster gives you an unmatched advantage and benefit.

Go to and learn more about these two body balancing, performance enhancing technologies.

They last forever or until you misplace them.

This is new technology to most of you. Yet I have been testing this for years and it definitely makes a difference. We all have weak areas. It can be the lungs, hormones, liver, kidneys, spinal areas, etc. These weak areas can come in between you and your best performance. These two smart technologies energetically balance your weak areas in real time = better performance and recovery.

Flash Sale – I am on my last box of Dr. Drew Karp’s Ultimate Skin Superfood Supplement. This easy to assimilate, plant-based and 90% organic supplement has 20 of the very best

skin targeting and nourishing, truly synergistic, anti-aging ingredients.

To name a few of the powders:

Pea protein, Flaxseed, Blueberry, Cucumber, Zucchini, Wheatgrass, Beet root, Matcha, Kale, Blackberry and 10 more of the very best skin foods. The intelligent body uses the food we eat to first nourish the vital organs – lungs, heart, kidneys, lever etc. Your facial skin gets left with the crumbs. So while you are likely taking good care of your skin, it may be running on empty.

That equals aging. There is nothing really combating aging. Your smothering your skin with these expensive creams and moisturizers, yet the facial skin is lacking real nutrition and vitality…One capsule a day gives you 20 of the finest skin superfoods in the right dosage.

Usually each bottle is $30. You can get 6 bottles for $45!!!The website has 3 bottles for $45. I will add 3 bottles to your order!!That is 6 months of high level, skin-targeting nutrition for your facial skin. Just order on the website and 6 bottles coming your way.

Any questions just email me back.

Please pass this informative email on to someone who wants to optimize their efforts and workouts.

Have a great week,

Dr. Karp

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