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Dr. Karp's Metabolic Reset Program

By Dr. Drew Karp, DC, FIAMA

The program costs $130.


What is it?

It is a 12-week holistic program, that combines body-friendly and non-toxic approaches that address the reasons why people have trouble losing weight. The focus is to turn on and optimize the body’s own fat burning ability. The program comes out of my 35 years practice, caring for patients one-on-one. Below is the deeper explanation of the program.


How does it work?

It combines Dr. Karp’s Ultimate Fat Burning supplement, eating specific fat burning foods, avoiding foods that interfere with fat burning
and simple intermittent fasting. The program goes deep to address the deep-seated reasons why people have trouble losing weight and
have a body they love. To balance and optimize your metabolism.


How long does it take?

It is a 12-week program. Some people may need to do the program twice or three times, depending on how much weight there is to lose. Each person is unique in their physiology, metabolism, genetics, health history and different responses.


What can I expect?

People who follow the plan have lost 1-3 pounds a week. It depends on how close you follow the plan and your body’s innate ability to shed the weight. Again everyone’s metabolism and physiology is unique and has their own journey to travel.


Will I have Dr. Karp’s ongoing support?
You can reach me with questions via email at
Include a real-time head to toe picture. Also, there will be a weekly 1 hour ZOOM call to answer questions and fine-tune things.


What does the program cost?

The price for the 3-month program is $130. That includes 3 bottles of the plant-based, fat burning supplement, a list of foods to avoid,
the list of specific foods that support fat burning. Email access to me along with weekly update emails.


A Deeper Look at the Program:

For years, many people have asked me about weight loss. For some people, no matter what they do, they are not been able to lose those extra 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 plus pounds: Working out like crazy, minimizing calories, fasting, all kinds of fad diets, diet pills, and so forth, truly does not help. It is very frustrating, to say the least. Even if they somehow manage to lose the weight, somehow, it finds its way back on. Why is that? Why is it so difficult for some people to lose excess weight and have a contoured, lean body that they love?


Here is my most concise explanation:

You see, being overweight is a symptom. Just like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraine headaches, asthma, IBS, and so forth; being overweight is another unexplained, misunderstood symptom. Of course, if you overeat daily and do not expend those calories, clearly, you will put on weight. But what about the people who do not overeat, who eat in a healthy fashion, work out, and still cannot lose the extra pounds? You see, there are functional imbalances within the body that simply do not allow the body to shed excess weight. And just like any other symptom, underlying functional imbalances are the root cause. Yes, there may be deeper reasons why you have not been able to lose weight and have the great body that you desire. Those reasons lie below the layperson’s understanding. They even lie below traditional and alternative medical professionals understanding. To keep it simple for you, the layperson, the main reason may be unseen, deep-seated, metabolic, and functional imbalances interfering with your body’s ability to burn its own fat and lose the excess weight.


As a result of these unseen, deep-seated functional imbalances, your body’s own fat burning abilities may be greatly diminished or non-existent. Your body’s ability to burn its own fat is minimal, at best. Just like a fingerprint, everyone has their own unique set of internal toxicities and imbalances. So, no matter what you do, unless your body’s own fat burning abilities are turned on all the way and stay on, your best efforts may have minimal effects, at best. This means that the hours of yoga, working out at the gym, running, Pilates, and so forth may have minimal effects on you shedding those pounds. I am sorry to say. I know how hard you are working at it.


Help Is on the Way: I researched why people have trouble losing weight. Using my 35 years’ experience in functional health and energy medicine, I really took a deep dive into why people struggle with their weight. And, then, I developed a user-friendly, easy-to-follow, holistic, and universal program that effectively addresses the reasons why people struggle to lose weight and keep it off. You just have to follow the plan, as close as possible, and give your body time to make the changes.

Again, the program consists of:

  1. Three bottles of Dr. Karp’s Ultimate Fat Burner supplement

  2. A list of foods to avoid that slow fat burning

  3. A list of foods that enhance the body’s ability to burn excess fat

  4. Suggestions about intermittent fasting


Dr. Karp has been practicing Holistic Medicine in South Florida for 37 years.


He is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College and is certified in acupuncture and applied kinesiology.


Dr. Karp evaluates and addresses your health challenges by combining state-of-the-art computer technologies, applied kinesiology testing, whole-food and herbal supplements, medicinal foods, energetic support and lifestyle changes. 

Dr. Karp is the developer of BOĆE™ technology. 
BOĆE™ stands for balance, optimize, coherence and enliven. 
His care of patients and products embody this technology. 


Dr. Karp's intention is to help his patients attain their highest level of health and wellbeing. 

ABOUT Jessica KlEin

Jessica Klein

Jessica Klein is a Florida and New York board certified Licensed Acupuncturist.  She received her Bachelor’s in Psychology from the University of Florida and later her Bachelor’s in Health Science and Master’s in Oriental Medicine from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine.  Jessica is a NCCAOM nationally board certified Diplomate of Oriental Medicine.  Upon graduation, she traveled to Thailand to further cultivate her understanding of the human body and asian healing modalities while studying Thai Yoga Massage.  She returned to Florida to work and study under a PhD candidate of Chinese Medicine before moving to New York to focus on making Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine more accessible.  Her goal is to hold space for people, give them a moment to escape the chaos of their everyday lives, and bring awareness to their bodies.


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Computerized Blood Work

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Computer-Assisted Acupuncture

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Applied Kinesiology

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The Zyto Testing

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We can work with you remotely! Call today or fill out one of our contact boxes to set up a time for your online session. For an office consultation call 954-771-5600.

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Your First Visit

We understand that the first visit to a new doctor's office can be overwhelming.  

You can now download and print the New Patient Questionnaire and Informed Consent before your first visit. You can also fill it out here.

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Shop our high-quality energy cards and rejuvenate your body. 


I been a patient of Dr Drew Karp for 15 years, he keeps me healthy and balance, I never get sick maintaining my body strong. The last time I went to see him was for a fall and I sprained my ankle, is amazing how right after his treatment I was feeling so good and swelling came down. The next day I couldn't believe how it got better!! The best guidance for nutrition healthy lifestyle. He is the best, he treated my boys, I refer my friends and yoga students, he always helps everybody, he goes beyond symptoms finding the roots for real healing!!! I trust him with all my heart

Paola V., Verified Patient

holistic medicine

Dr. Drew Karp


Has been practicing Holistic and Alternative Medicine in South Florida for over 37 years.


PH#:  954-771-5600

LOC: 800 East Broward Blvd
   Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301

What is Holistic Medicine?


Dr. Drew Karp has been practicing Holistic and Alternative Medicine in South Florida for over 30 years. He is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College in Atlanta, Georgia, and certified in acupuncture and applied kinesiology. Dr. Karp has the rare ability to communicate with the body to access and correct the underlying causes of health problems and challenges. By using cutting edge technology, he is able to accurately measure the flow of energy throughout the body.  Dr. Karp uses this information, along with applied kinesiology, to determine and treat the true underlying issues. 


What is an Acugraph?


The Acugraph is a non-invasive, computerized, acupuncture testing software, that accurately measures the amount of energy, 'chi,' or 'life force,' traveling through your twelve main acupuncture meridians. It is this life force energy that keeps you alive, and powers all functions in your body; breathing, digestion, vision, thinking, movement, talking, hormone creation, cell replication, etc. Acupuncture meridians are invisible pathways that conduct the flow of energy throughout the body. 


The Acugraph uses modern computer technology to accurately assess, and, give an 'inside look' at how the acupuncture system is functioning.  It makes the invisible acupuncture system visible, as a tangible, hard-copy graph printout, and provides an exact energetic blueprint from which to work.


What is Applied Kinesiology?


As human beings,  we speak ‘verbal languages,’ such as English, Spanish, and French, to name a few.  Similarly, your body has an internal,  ‘non-verbal language’ all its own, called “Bio-Energetics.”  Renowned author Dr. David Walther’s states “The body has a language providing information that can lead to the discovery of the cause of health problems; the key is an ability to understand the language.


  Failure to read body language regarding health is very similar to an inability to interpret a foreign language.  The information in the language may be very valuable, but unless one can read the language, the information is useless.”  Applied Kinesiologists are rigorously trained to test and read the body, and communicate with it, in its non-verbal language.  By doing so, vital (often unheard) bodily information can be accessed, and the proper health restorative therapies implemented.


What is PC Assisted Acupuncture?


In our wellness center, we use a cutting edge computer software program called "The Acugraph." The Acugraph is a non invasive, painless, and accurate way of measuring the energy, or life force energy, traveling through your 12 main acupuncture meridians. It is like an MRI of your acupuncture system. It makes the invisible energy visible.  A bar graph is generated and printed with the results of your test. 


The bar graph guides Dr. Karp to what acupuncture points on your body need to be treated to attain a very unique, deep, and one of a kind state of energetic balance. The intention of acupuncture is to have your body in deep energetic balance, in this unique state the body is able to heal itself at its optimal potential. Using the findings from the Acugraph, this becomes a reality every time. 


It is in the unique state of 100% energetic balance, coherence, and reorganization that the body is able to truly detoxify and heal itself.  


What is “the balance”?


The Balance is a leading-edge, computerized nutritional testing software that reads and analyzes the energetic function of the human body (glands, organs, systems). The energetic function always precedes physical function.


When you place your hand on the 'cradle,' the computer software sends many subtle, non-toxic, digital 'stress signals' to the body through the cradle. Simultaneously, the software is monitoring and analyzing how the body is dealing with those digital stress signals. This occurs for 6-7 minutes. The software then recommends the exact whole food nutritional supplements that will address and deeply balance your imbalances and weaknesses on a nutritional level.


When the body is in balance on a nutritional and biochemical level, it has the very best chance of experiencing optimum function, deep detoxification, and optimum healing. When the body is moving toward wellness on a daily basis, there is much less chance for degenerative disease and illness.


The Balance is not about addressing symptoms. When internal imbalances, toxicities, and weaknesses are too much for the body to deal with, they show up as symptoms. When these core issues are being addressed effectively by the body, symptoms quietly fade away.

The Balance recommends the whole food nutritional supplements that your body needs to address deep internal imbalances, weaknesses and toxicities that create dysfunction, symptoms, premature aging, and ill-health. We all want to have a body that is functioning as close to 100% as possible, 100% of the time.


Whereas acupuncture corrects imbalances and weaknesses on an energetic level, The Balance corrects imbalances and weaknesses on a nutritional level. It is Dr. Karp's intention to bring you the best of both worlds, so you can experience long term optimum health and well-being. Now, when people ask: "What nutritional supplements should I be taking?" there is a clear and definitive answer.

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